AMB73 Colorado: Active Nature

AMB73 Colorado: Active Nature

Regular price$70.00 USD

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2% for the Environment – two percent of the price of this library is donated to environmental and field recording related causes, as an “artist royalty” for the planet!

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  • In Colorado: Active Nature, get a collection of lively and euphoric ambiences from the mountains of Colorado. Hear the rich diversity of ambiences brimming with wildlife. Hear haunting booms of Nighthawks diving and trilling tremolos of angry chipmunks. Hear eerie elk bugling in the distance and frenetic flutters of small wings. Hear heavy thumps of running elk and massive sniffs of curious moose. 
  • This library is packed full of tracks with active flora and fauna from the landscapes of high country of Colorado. I hope the sounds help to re-wild your ears as they did mine. Thanks for listening. 


  • Active nature ambiences with dense flora and fauna
  • Lively songbirds
  • Energetic cicadas
  • Nighthawks booming
  • Distant elk bugling
  • Angry chipmunks
  • Curious moose sniffs
  • Elk and moose running
  • Light ad moderate quaking Aspen wind

            FILE LIST:

            • View larger version or Download CSV.
            • A spectrogram is included for each audio file. Double click on the photo in the file list to enlarge.
            • Included Wildlife: Elk, Moose, Cow, Angry Chipmunk, Cicada, Nighthawk, American Robin, Warbling Vireo, Hermit Warbler, Various Dense Songbirds

                          LIBRARY INFO:

                          Stereo Specs: 6 GB – 96 kHz / 24-bit – 44 stereo WAV files – Approx. 3 hours total
                          Metadata: Universal Category System, CSV, Soundminer, BWAV
                          Categories: AMBForst, Temperate Forest, Active Nature
                          Location: Colorado - Summer 2021
                          Mastering: read my Field Recording Mastering Rules for more info.
                          Delivery: Instant - blazingly-fast - digital download
                          License type: Single user, royalty-free - for a multi-user license, click here
                          Sound Library Guarantee: If you're unhappy with my field recordings in any way, I'll give you store credit equal to the cost of the sound library. Read the full details – here.

                          GEAR USED:

                          • Sennheiser MKH8040 and MKH30 in Mid/Side
                          • LOM Usi
                          • Sound Devices MixPre-3 II
                          • Sony D100
                          • Sony A10
                          • Cinela Pianissimo Mid/Side Blimp
                          • Cinela LEO20 Blimps

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