2022 Greenland Expedition
Sound recordist Thomas Rex Beverly uses Sennheiser gear to capture calving glaciers, underwater icebergs, and an ice xylophone in Greenland.
Beverly’s loyal companions on his past three successful arctic expeditions to Alaska (2019), Iceland (2021) and Norway (2022) have been Sennheiser MKH 8020, MKH 30, and MKH 8040 microphones as well as HD 280 PRO headphones. His fourth and latest major expedition took him to Greenland in 2022. This journey was part of Beverly’s project of recording and preserving the sounds of endangered species and ecosystems, including the thunderous calving of glaciers and underwater sounds of whales and other marine wildlife.
Read the full blog post on Sennheiser's website here: https://en-de.sennheiser.com/newsroom/exploring-our-planet-through-sound
Read another blog post on Bubblebee's website here: https://www.bubblebeeindustries.com/blogs/inthewild/capturing-the-sound-of-disappearing-glaciers
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